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The ATCP gathers the PhD students of the ENSCP – PSL. Facebook, atcp(at)

The BDE gathers the master & PhD students of the Observatoire. Page web, Facebook, Instagram, bde.obspm(at)
Dopamines brings together doctoral students from the different campuses of Mines de Paris. Page web
SPIBENS gathers PhD students and post-doctoral fellows of the Institute of Biology of the ENS – PSL. Page web, Facebook, Twitter, spibens_bureau(at)
ADIC brings together doctoral students and young post-doctoral fellows of the Institut Curie. Page web, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, u-adic(at)
ChADoC brings together associate lecturers, ATERs, doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows of the Collège de France. Page web, Facebook, Linkedin, association.chadoc(at)