Doing sport at PSL

As a young researcher, you have access to a wide variety of “leisure” sports at the University via the AS PSL (Sports Association PSL). For more details, click here. Some sports/slots are reserved for a given institution, others for PSL members, and finally some are open to all. There are three ways to register :
- If your school has a BDS (Sports Office), we advise you to go there to register for the AS PSL : you will benefit from a preferential rate and you will have access to the sports/slots offered by your school. Institutions with a BDS : ESPCI Paris – PSL, ENS – PSL, Mines Paris – PSL, ENSCP – PSL.
- If you are specifically interested in an independent association (e.g. the Escrime Club Estudiantin), we advise you to register with the AS PSL via this club by contacting them (especially if you cannot register via a BDS).
- Otherwise, you can register only with the AS PSL by following this link.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for any contact/information request.
Doing sport with YouR PSL
Depending on demand, YouR PSL organises or supports sports initiatives for Young Researchers: group jogging, outings, charity races, etc. Inter-associative events are also regularly organised (ski trip, tournaments). For more information, see the events page [add link].
Doing sport outside PSL
Not all sports are represented at PSL, some slots or venues may not suit you. You can therefore also join other university sports associations. The most appropriate are those of Sorbonne University (ASSU SIM, DAPS). Example of a proposed sport not available at PSL: Scuba diving.